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Swimming Gala

April 17 Posted on April 29, 2015

Riverside Swimming Gala @ Slavia Swimming Pool

The First Annual Swimming Gala took place during the first week after the Easter Break. Primary Swimmers competed in Heat finals during Swimming lessons during Term 2, while Junior and Senior High students elected themselves to represent their Houses.

The event was a spectacle of colour and support as students, staff and parents took a seat on the viewing platforms. The Gala witnessed swimmers from all schools and climaxed with the Senior High/Early Years Fun Swim. Early Years students took positions on giant floats, as the Senior students pushed them the length of the 25 meter pool.

Komensky, Havel, Karel and Hus took up the Swimming Lanes 1 to 4 respectively and Junior High competitors kicked off the races at 12:35pm with over 300 spectators cheering them on. Next up were the Primary Swimmers led by the Year 1 pupils. Shortly after the EY/SH fun swim, the Senior students competed to finish off a very successful Swimming Gala.

The PTA put on another fantastic spread for everyone involved and it was greatly appreciated, especially by the hungry swimmers!

This event will surely grow again next year with even more swimmers and spectators as we look forward to 2016!



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