Junior High Awards Ceremony
We had a wonderful time celebrating the Junior High students – their accomplishments and excellence in effort, progress, sport, citizenship, the arts, and academics. – For more photos go to our Facebook page

Senior High Canoe Trip to Austria
The Riverside Gold DofE group have successfully returned from an exciting and challenging 4 day canoe expedition down the River Salza in Austria. The group paddled through a mixture of grade 2 and grade 3 white water rapids as they journeyed through the stunning mountains of Wildalpen. The group also undertook the challenge of making […]

Iceland Expedition 2015
7 students and 2 teachers ventured off to Iceland last week, for Riverside’s second ever Iceland Expedition! Students took on all sorts of challenges, and enjoyed the stunning landscape in this land of fire and ice. Soaking in the blue lagoon, white water rafting, caving in a lava tube, snorkeling between tectonic plates, glacier hiking, […]

Summer Fayre
Our Summer Fayre was a great success with the good weather just holding out until the end. A fun packed day of good food, leisure and activity. –

Canoe Trip to Sázava
Junior High + Silver Canoe Trip Riverside’s Silver DofE group set out for a 2 day canoe trip on the Sazava River, joined as well by 6 students who took part in the regular canoe club during the school year. The group enjoyed beautiful weather and the stunning environment of the Sazava River while they […]

Early Years Activity Week
Activity Week Programme 2015 in PDF

Upper School Lunch Time Concert (RAW)
Lunch Hour Concert – Upper School students(Year 3-6) Upper School instrumental soloists Primary Choir Year 5 and Year 6 Ensembles (Strings, Woodwind, Brass) –

Art at RAW
Preparation for the Riverside Arts Weeek and display at Prague Crossroads –

Opening Night of RAW
Official Opening of Riverside Arts Week and launch of Whole School Art Exhibition

Drama Night (RAW)
Performances by selected Riverside Drama students An Improvisation Workshop with Blood, Love and Rhetoric Theatre; a must for all aspiring actors, drama devotees and theatre buffs